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关键词: 卡扎菲;  利比亚;   外交政策;   演变特点;


Abstract: "nine-one Revolution" in 1969, Gaddafi advocates to pursue national independence and state sovereignty, to achieve Arab unity against imperialism and hegemonism mastered the Libyan regime. Gaddafi and Libya under the leadership has always been a very unique foreign policy to attract world's attention. Its distinct features of the diplomatic strategy has achieved some successes, but also so that Libya is surrounded by enemies, suffering from the sanctions. I believe that Gaddafi's foreign policy pursued by cutting the product of their own ideas with the international situation, is the imprint of the times, the origins of this article from Gaddafi's diplomatic thinking, explore the development path of its diplomatic strategy and the evolution of the characteristics of , focusing on the unique nature of diplomacy under the guidance of the "third universal theory" from three aspects; "oil revolution" diplomacy; ideal to reality shift flexible and pragmatic diplomacy.

Key words:  Gadhafl;   Libya;  Foreign Policy;  Changesand Evolution


