
资料分类:历史论文 VIP会员(皇家戏子)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-02-03
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关键词:北宋; 汴梁; 勾栏


Abstract :The Northern Song Dynasty,is the ancient Chinese economic,military,cultural and other aspects of the highly developed era,especially the east of capital culture industry development level is very prosperous. The cultural industry is the dominant industry and entertainment industry also is all-time prosperity. GouLan as was the main venue, become first choice of public entertainment. In the formation of GouLan, development as well as the impact on people's lives as the main line of.The main social function of GouLan on its public recreational places. These characteristics also promoted a city Tokyo city structure to entertainment tilt, in some ways, people from simple material needs to rise to the demand for spiritual life. Previous contributions not only limited to the. It is the Northern Song Dynasty people's spiritual sustenance, art performances and development platform, Chinese traditional culture important component.

Keywords: The Northern Song Dynasty;  Bianliang;  Goulan


