
资料分类:美术论文 VIP会员(happy)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-09-23
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关键词:农民情结  写实主义  共鸣  人性


Abstract:Van gogh will oneself life the enthusiasm and heat to the arts, painted a series of themes, such as self-portraits, sunflower, wheat, etc, especially the crop is more famous, so why on earth should choose van gogh painting crop? They both have what sort of relationship that? Actually the relationship between van gogh and wheat is throughout his life to say, from childhood hometown's vast northern Laban the main crop and the father of a picture of drypoint, study that resonates to later with a series of realist painter miller works even to the last crop of the catcher painting of crows van gogh and reflect the close relationship and wheat crop and van gogh's love of life. Throughout his lifetime of van gogh belongs to crop, and van gogh belongs more to the art. 

[Key words]Farmers complex     realism   resonance  humanity
