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ABSTRACT:Construction began in summer from 1709, 1809 - is the basic Chinese garden art treasures of the garden is laudatory name. But this park is in the garden million in 1860 and 1900, by the anglo-french allied and allied forces Friday. And plunder. In 1860, on October 18, 34000 British in gardens, fire three day everywhere arson, smoggy Beijing last, the glorious masterpiece was destroyed together.

By 2010, Britain, France was in China, the world's largest Concorde time record two robbers, and the cultural relics in China and fire yuanmingyuan world record for the world's largest relics association of destruction.

Now, by the state protects the gardens in further perfecting the repair, but also could not return to the same as before. When I first went inside the remnants of the stone, attracted me and made me instantly produces inspiration, so I feel fear seized the moment under it, I chose this for inspiration. According to the report in the paint, I explain, I painted by using the technique of the steps, and eventually effects were recorded.

Keywords: Oil painting;Texture;Colour 
