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关键词:云南现代重彩画;民族 ;装饰;美



  As level 08 professional painting Chinese painting creation of modern heavy color painting romantic themes "undergraduate" submitted to the Academy of Fine Arts graduation committee.Yunnan modern heavy color painting in traditional Chinese painting on the basis of minority in Yunnan, as the main theme, absorbs the western modern color, form consciousness and developed a unique painting style.Learn Chinese and Western painting advantages, strong flavor, mechanism, bright colors, bold, highly decorative effect.Yunnan modern heavy color painting is clearly the pursuit of human common, the essence of things, is to reflect, sing for love and the pursuit of national minority.Based on the aesthetic object projection to show the national aesthetic consciousness, aesthetic consciousness makes Yunnan heavy color painting has a special charm.The charm of cultural heterogeneity of the people, is the irresistible beauty. 

Keywords: Yunnan modern heavy color painting ; national; decorative ;beauty

