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摘要: 柯罗的风景画传承质朴而肃穆的古典主义、激烈而奔放的浪漫主义,引领巴比松画派的写实风格,启迪印象派的光色表现,用时代性的绘画语言,即优雅的灰色调,诠释着自己的生活感悟,对后世亦产生了深远的影响。本文通过对柯罗风景画优雅灰色调的渊源探究,揭示其运用与表达的特点,对柯罗从艺术思想到艺术技法,尤其是绘画语言表达层面上进行探索,从而解决在西画专业的创作中存在的对于色调倾向表现的问题,并应用于现代绘画实践,探索适合自己的独特绘画语言。



Abstract: Corot's landscapes are inheritance of Classicism--a simple and solemn style, as well as Romantic doctrine, which is characterized by unrestrained imagination. They developed the realistic style of Barbizon School and inspired the light color performance of Impressionist School. With an elegant gray attune ,Corot interpreted his own understanding of life by using a timely painting language,which later impact a far-reaching implications on Painting world .

 This article aims to reveal the characteristics of using and expression by making a thorough inquiry on the origin of Corot's elegant gray attune, to explore Corot’s painting from essence to techniques, especially in language expression way. So as to solve the existing problem in which the creation of tonal tendency professional hcapc and apply in modern painting practice, to explore for its own unique painting language and draw more deeply on thinking of development direction. 



