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摘要:当今国际贸易中普遍存在知识产权保护不力与知识产权滥用并存的现象。这在很大程度上与TRIPS 规定的不完善有关。



关键词  国际贸易 知识产权保护 权利限制


Abstract:The phenomenon of weak protection of intellectual property abuse of intellectual property rights and the coexistence of prevalent in today's international trade. These provisions and largely TRIPS not perfect.

  On one hand, developing countries must take over their own development capacity of the high standards of intellectual property protection duty; hand agreement itself doesn't establish the benefit balance mechanism.

  In view of this, this paper try to analysis some problems: the TRIPS protocol and its deficiency and the issue of parallel import; the protection of intellectual property rights and limit equilibrium in international trade; intellectual property protection and limitation of the principle of balance in international trade.

Keywords  international trade  IPR ( intellectual property protection)  Limitation of rights





    随着科学技术的迅猛发展,知识产权与国际贸易的联系越来越紧密。知识产权的保护和限制问题也成为了国际贸易中的热门问题,备受关注。本文通过对TRIPS的研究了解其不足从而了解因TRIPS 不足而引起的国际贸易中的问题。了解平行进口对国际贸易的影响并研究解决的办法。对国际贸易中知识产权的问题进行研究从而得出对知识产权保护的的意义和原则。同时研究国际贸易中滥用知识产权的问题,从而得到权利限制的原则及意义。

