
资料分类:经济论文 VIP会员(你好,学长)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-11-13
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关键词:股票市场 ;货币政策 ;传导机制 ;货币供应量


ABSTRACT:With the high development of the stock market, the creation of financial instruments are deepen. The development of the stock market influence the real economy and people’s life, so it would influence the monetary policy transmission mechanism inevitably. This passage put the effects that the stock market acts on the monetary policy transmission mechanism in the central, analyses the stock market and the monetary policy transmission, so as to find out the relationship between the  monetary policy transmission and the stock market  more comprehensively, discover the defects of the monetary policy system and the stock market. Then, this paper would analysis how stock market affects the monetary policy transmission and in return how the monetary policy acts on the stock market. This passage uses the research method of the integration of theory with practice, concentrating on the  interest rate mechanism, investment effect, consumption effect and money supply. In order to confirm the theories in this paper by means of canonical correlation analysis and regression analysis. We find that the stock market in our country exists investment effect and consumption effect. Then, we analysis the influence that the stock market act on the monetary policy. In this paper, we mainly analysis the effect that the stock market acts on the monetary policy intermediary target and final target. In the last, we probe into the obstacle when stock market transmitting the monetary policy and give some advice to solve the problems in the monetary policy system.

Key words:  Stock market; Monetary policy; Transmission mechanism;  Money supply



