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摘 要:中国是一个农业大国,农产品出口贸易也成为中国对外贸易的重要组成部分。随着近年来人民币汇率的不断波动,在各种内外部压力下人民币持续升值,农产品出口贸易开始面临新的挑战。本文主要从人民币升值条件下中国农产品出口贸易的相关研究综述、人民币升值对农产品出口贸易影响的理论分析、人民币升值现状、农产品出口贸易现状、人民币升值对农产品出口贸易影响的实证分析、农产品出口贸易中存在的主要问题、人民币升值条件下改善农产品出口贸易的对策建议等方面入手,通过提供可靠的数据资料,提出有效可行的应对方法策略,对农产品出口贸易进行了全面系统的分析,为农产品出口贸易的可持续发展提供依据。人民币升值,对正在逐步放慢增速的农产品出口贸易来说,既是挑战,又是机遇,我们应捉住有利时机,改善我国农产品出口结构不合理、出口市场单一等问题,以便我国农产品出口获得长远的发展。



ABSTRACT:China is a large agricultural country, the agricultural export trade has become an important part of China's foreign trade. With the recent fluctuations in the RMB exchange rate continues, in a variety of internal and external pressure of RMB appreciation, export trade of agricultural products began to face new challenges. This article from the conditions of China's agricultural export trade-related Research under the appreciation of the RMB, the impact of RMB appreciation on the agricultural export trade’s theory analysis, the RMB appreciation situation, agricultural export trade situation, the impact of RMB appreciation on exports of agricultural products trade’s empirical analysis, agricultural export trade faced the main problems in the appreciation of the RMB, by providing a reliable data, and improve effective and feasible way or proposed strategy to deal with the problem , do a comprehensive system analysis for agricultural export trade, provide the basis of sustainable development for agricultural export trade. Appreciation of the RMB, to the gradually slower growth rate for exports of agricultural products trade is both a challenge and an opportunity. We should seize the favorable opportunity to improve the irrational structure of China's agricultural exports, single export market and other issues, in order to obtain China's agricultural exports long-term development.

Keywords: Export trade of agricultural products; the RMB’s appreciation; Countermeasures and Suggestions
