
资料分类:法律论文 VIP会员(soso)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-04-26
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关键词:反垄断法  第五条  规模经济  垄断  经营者集中  


Abstract: According to article 5 of our state’s anti-monopoly legislation, through free competition and voluntary alliance, operators have the right to concentrate, expand the scope of operation and improve market competitiveness within the limit of law. This article is the principle about protecting operators’ legitimate concentration and encouraging economies of scale. The scale economy, existing huge advantages itself, can benefit the economy of enterprises as well as the whole society. However, the further development of scale economy will lead to monopoly, which is the so-called "Marshall conflict". Article 5, as the general term of the anti-monopoly law, on structure and content, shows the attitude of the whole anti-monopoly legislation towards concentration and economies of scale. Article 5 is of great significance to the implementation of the anti-monopoly law, which further explains to us how to tackle the conflict between scale economy and monopoly against the background of our unique market economy.

Key words: anti-monopoly legislation, article 5, scale economy, monopoly, operators’ concentration
