
资料分类:法律论文 VIP会员(致青春郑微)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-08-04
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Abstract:Rapid economic development in modern society,piracy is a serious problem,In most of countries and regions,piracy is defined as violation of intellectual property rights violations, Even constitute a crime,would be punished form the host country. Experts and scholars from various countries were from the case and proceed articles. All articles for the analysis of vulnerabilities and to give supplements. To solve the problem of pirated publications of China. I think from this way to research question should have a little distance from our real life,so should proceed from the life of Chinese people. standard the civils’Legal liability. Give examples of pirated publications at home and abroad for comparison which leads to my country is dealing with the problem of pirated publications, the phenomenon of the lack of intensity,and integrated the relevant articles of China and case,eventually find out the shortcomings of our legislation and gives recommendations. 

Key words: Piracy;Intellectual Property Law ;Vulnerability of Articles;Legal liability

