
资料分类:法律论文 VIP会员(致青春郑微)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-08-04
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关键词:金融消费者 知情权 法律保护


Abstract:In the world of finance service market in the process of rapid development, financial consumption in people's daily life has become an important way of consumption, which is becoming more and more serious financial consumers in the financial transaction information in a weak position. But in the process of consumption, the financial consumer's right to know because of the financial services market particularity and cannot get effective protection. Constructing the protection of financial consumers right to know the legal system, must first on consumer financial concepts, financial consumers' right to know the specificity, and in our country, the protection of financial consumers right to know the legal analysis and reflection, put forward to perfect the proposal of system.

Key words: financial consumers  informed right  legal protection



