
资料分类:法律论文 VIP会员(致青春郑微)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-08-14
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Abstract:Civil standard of proof is a measure for the judge become inner conviction. The civil standard of objective reality is too single,and it's difficult to achieve in the judicial practice. The civil standard of objective fact had no longer meet the complex litigation to prove our activities and more suited the needs of the civil trial, establishment of a new standard of proof is very important and urgent.In this paper, I compare and analysis the probability standar of proof of two legal systems, investigate the formulation and theory of the two legal systems on the civil standard of proof, and the reference for the construction of our civil standard of proof,formulate the high degree of probability standard of proof,which meet the characteristics of the times of Civil Procedure.

Key words: civil standard of proof;objective reality;high probability



