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关键词: 劳动争议;劳动争议处理制度;调解;仲裁;诉讼


Abstract:Along with our country economic system reform and development, in the traditional planned economy to a market economy in transition process of the birth of the system of handling labor disputes ,whether to build in the system and in  the practice have met with many problems and challenge. Therefore, these problems and challenges push us to make a further reform and perfection of the labor dispute settlement system so that it can play its functions to serve the society better. In this paper, the author mainly aims at the discussion of perfecting the labor dispute system. The topic for discussion mainly concludes: First of all, pointing out the meaning of perfecting the system, analyzing the system which our country employs and indicating the existing drawbacks. Then through the analysis of the labor dispute system of the foreign countries, we could borrow the ideas of their advantages and put forward some suggestions in the last place.

Key words: labor disputes;the labor dispute settlement system;meditation;arbitration;litigation

