
资料分类:法律论文 VIP会员(致青春郑微)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-08-25
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Abstract:Online shopping as a new shopping way with convenient,excellent quality and inexpensive and other significant advantages. Thanks to these significant advantages, it has boomed quickly from its beginning to now. However, the virtual network to the online shopping has brought many uncertain factors,and Internet shopping network fraud, false information, the burden of proof is difficult and risk a serious threat to the interests of consumers.How to protect consumers in online shopping from the infringement of basic rights, and promote the healthy development of online shopping, have become the problems which need to be solved urgently. This paper, starting whit the necessity of the online shopping the protection of consumers' rights, introduced our country online shopping consumer rights legislation present situation, has analyzed the online shopping consumer rights and interests protection insufficiency. Finally, through drawing lessons from foreign online shopping consumer protection regulations, to our country online shopping consumer rights and interests protection suggestions.

Key words: online shopping;the rights and interests of consumers; protection;insufficient;suggestions



