
资料分类:法律论文 VIP会员(小时代)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-08-27
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Abstract:Administrative litigation system in China started late, due to historical, institutional and social reasons, the development of the administrative proceedings is worrying, especially in administrative withdrawal system there are many imperfections, and even has fallen for the parties to circumvent the law means, non-legitimate the proliferation of procedures for the withdrawal phenomenon. This paper discusses the need to improve the administrative withdrawal system, as well as shortcomings in reality administrative withdrawal phenomenon and the phenomenon exists, and further pointed out the urgency of improving the administrative withdrawal of the system. The author of the reference of foreign experience in administrative withdraw, in our country's administrative charge dropped to the improvement of the improving of the plaintiff's withdraw conditions of examination, perfect the administrative organs in litigation change sued the specific administrative act of the defendant, and ensuring the right conditions of several recommendations.

Keywords: withdrawal of the administrative system, the right to appeal, builds system

