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Abstract:Temporarily outside prison system is the important one of the legal system of the Criminal Procedure Law to change the execution of punishment. Temporary execution outside prison the offender is one of the few, but the wide distribution and live in scattered, difficult regulatory work, once the lack of supervision, it may lead off the pipe, drain pipe, out of control or even re-offending will be on social stabilitycausing great harm. Judicial practice, some of the problems that exist in the system has been gradually revealed, I think you need to start from the guarantor system, supervisory duties, outside prison the imprison work after the expiration of the improvement of the disability identification system,and learn from Germany's penalties for delays in the implementation of the system, "stop the implementation of the advanced system for a stay of execution of the penalty system and the Russian system to make further reform and improve the system of temporary execution outside prison.

Key  words: Temporary execution outside prison system;Regulatory responsibilities;Medical parole



