
资料分类:管理论文 VIP会员(莉雅)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-12-04
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关键词:购买行为    大学营销     消费心理


Abstract:Economic globalization, high technology is widely used in the merchandise, commercial market continuously prosperity. College students is one of the main consumption today; Is the main consumption in the future; Consumption trend of the guide. Their purchase behavior is varied, and at present the enterprise did not specifically for college students develop targeted marketing plan. Therefore, the enterprise in the marketing to college students have very big development space. So, this paper, from the college students' purchasing behavior influencing factors of Angle, through the questionnaire survey analysis of their purchases, probes into the enterprise to college students' marketing strategy, and on the basis of the conclusion for the enterprise to provide certain reference and Suggestions. Hope I can help enterprises to reduce the blindness of college students' marketing decision and uncertainty, to expand the college students' market and obtain higher market share. 

Keywords: Purchasing behavior   University marketing    Consumption psychology



