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关键词:物流 物流管理 电子商务 第三方物流 创新


ABSTRACT:With the development of modern information technologies and perfection of the network environment, with online transactions at the core of e-commerce continues to develop and grow, traditional logistics can't achieve perfect convergence and e-commerce. As e-commerce "four streams" the most special kind – logistics, has become the bottleneck in the development of e-commerce. In order to adapt to the development of e-commerce, and to open up their markets, logistics must break with tradition, opening these new, created for the new mode of logistics management under the environment of e-commerce in China. 

   This article first discusses the basic theory about the logistics, logistics management and electronic commerce, then a simple analysis of the relationship between e-commerce and logistics, then more detailed analysis of the present situation of logistics management under the environment of e-commerce in China and the existence of malpractice, and finally, combining them to make appropriate solutions.

Key words: logistics;logistics management;e-commerce;Third-Part Logistics;innovation

