
资料分类:管理论文 VIP会员(雨橙)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-01-08
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关键词:农业物流  三农  农村经济


ABSTRACT:Agricultural logistics refers to the agricultural production as the core, a series of flow of goods from suppliers to accept between entities and the relevant technology, organization, management activities.    Agricultural logistics in our country has entered the stage of rapid development, but there are still some problems in the development process, has seriously hindered the development of agricultural logistics. The sound development of agricultural logistics, to improve the income of the farmers, effectively promote the "three rural issues". Therefore, to develop the logistics industry, improve agricultural products logistics level, and to improve the competitiveness of agricultural products, realize agricultural synergism, farmer's income, promote the development of rural economy in Chongqing city.

Keywords: agricultural logistics;agriculture;Rural economy




