
资料分类:管理论文 VIP会员(雨橙)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-01-08
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关键词:农产品  物流   运输方案   优化方法


ABSTRACT:The optimization of transportation scheme of agricultural and sideline products has an important academic significance and value for agricultural and sideline products. According to transport optimization system research, transportation is the most important process of logistics value-added activities, which can realize the goods during transportation to the lowest cost and create the maximum profit and to make the most of transportation to create "items time utility" and "space.” In order to help China's agricultural logistics development, improve the market competitiveness of China's agricultural products, this paper mainly analyzes the characteristics and current situation of China's logistics development of agricultural and sideline products, finds out the main problems existing in China's agricultural logistics, reduces the logistics cost of China's agricultural products and solves all the problems of China's agricultural products logistics,

Key Words:Agricultural and sideline products transport;logistics;scheme ;optimization method



