
资料分类:管理论文 VIP会员(单旅寂人)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-02-10
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关键词:女大学生 就业 问题 对策


ABSTRACT:The situation of employment is grim in society today, the problem of employment of college students has become one of the concerns of the society in our country. Along with the establishment of the order of the socialist market economy and the expansion of college and universities, there are a growing number of college students in China, and it showed an increasing trend year by year. In this situation, the problem of difficult employment of college students emerged. Especially in this year, the number of college graduates reaches the historic high. According to the statistics, there are 6990000 graduate students, and because of the slowdown of the economic growth, the situation of employment of college students is getting even grimmer, especially the employment problem of female college students. According to the statistic, female college students in employment are obviously lower than male college students from the aspects of employment opportunities、employment rates、salary level and post level. Consequently, we should have a correct understanding of the problem of difficult employment of female college students, and investigate the reason of the problem of the difficult employment of female college students. 

   This paper aims to analyze the problem of employment of female college students in today’s society of China, to explore the reason from the angle of society、family、enterprise and individual, and puts forward the strategies from the perspective of government、enterprise and individual so as to improve the employment status of female college students. I hope I can do something to help alleviate the problem of employment of female college students, and to improve the rate of female college students in China, and to promote the development of harmonious and health of our society.

Key words:female students;employment;problem;measures

