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Abstract:Reading is to promote social progress, is the acquisition of knowledge and wisdom means. College stage is the student learning to read important period, but also the important period of formation of values. The library as the second classroom of students, teaching scientific research is in addition, help students learn the important base. Over the past few years, students in reading in the exposed the bad reading tendency, and in reading content and manner of the different transformation. However, the majority of University Library in the library and service has no better attention and meet the needs of the students. In the service concept, also not very good change, lack of initiative to attach importance to students' reading tendency, and positive, correct guidance and assistance. This paper suggests that the underlying idea is, the importance of reading for college students, reading tendency and demand should be emphasized and the correct guidance. University Library with rich collections of resources and a solid theoretical and practical experience should be in the students' reading guide to play an active role, and as a kind of responsibility. in guiding the reading process, strengthen the participation of parties and interaction.

Keywords:University Library; Reading; Tendency of reading guidance

