
资料分类:音乐舞蹈 VIP会员(莉雅)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-12-04
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Abstract:In bayer's is the world famous HuaQiang soprano, opera artist, she is active in today's world of opera stage "China the nightingale," and her voice so kind, bright, deep, magnificent, just like the soothing sounds. This paper on the basis of predecessors' achievements of the personal and bayer's singing the work "summer last rose" tentative examination of the preliminary exploration, in the bayer's tone, enunciation characteristics, singing skills, emotional processing in such aspects as deeply analyzed to let more people know HuaQiang lyric soprano dean bayer and her work in, and to the effect of author, lead more experts and scholars to the fans and their works of bayer's attention, to the bayer's a deeper understanding and the understanding, thus improve their singing level and bel canto, especially the soprano singing more beautiful works, richer feeling!

Key words: dilber;The Last Rose Of Summer; tone ;Singing skills



