
资料分类:音乐舞蹈 VIP会员(莉雅)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-12-04
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关键词:德沃夏克; 咏叹调; 演唱技巧; 艺术表现; 歌曲特点


Abstract: Dvorak is one of the greatest composers in Czech in nineteenth Century, the main representative of Czech folk music. Dvorak wrote 10 operas," water nymph" is his most famous opera. Dvorak was very motivated, he is assiduous self-study, and gradually showed musical ability, created many impressive opera ... ... " Moon Song" is the creation of Dvorak's opera" Rusalka" in the famous aria, opera" Rusalka" first act nymphs sings, main show girl longing for love, the beloved prince. The song calm tactfully, colorful, wonderful, exciting. This paper on the basis of previous research results, on Dvorak's opera" Rusalka" singing skills in the art performance, to make a preliminary attempt on the study of. They sing the song of articulation, breath, skills, artistic form, make relatively thorough analysis.. To let more people understand the song 's artistic value, more clearly sings this song skill, further expression. At the same time, also can improve singing level, more comprehensive performance of this song ... ...

Key words: Dvorak; aria; singing techniques; artistic expression; the song features


  他的作品明朗欢快,自然清新,洋溢着民族的气息,经常用三拍子切分节奏和欢快的捷克舞曲题材,如《狂欢节序曲》、《斯拉夫舞曲》等。他还向他的学生、黑人作曲家 和男中音歌手伯莱学习,从而美国黑人、印第安人音调,以及五声音阶、民间调式在他的作品中得到大量使用,音乐的通俗性也很强,如他的《自新大陆交响曲》、《幽默曲》、《F大调弦乐四重奏》等多部优秀作品。德沃夏克的音乐配器色彩丰富,主题音调的旋律感很强,音乐恳切淳朴,作品的民族性表现得淋漓尽致。他的歌剧《水仙女》中的咏叹调《月亮颂》的音乐纯朴而真挚、色彩鲜明,节奏生动多变,旋律自然流畅,浸染着浓郁的乡土气息,具有一种难以抗拒的艺术魅力。咏叹调《月亮颂》能够充分地表现出德沃夏克的创作风格。

