
资料分类:音乐舞蹈 VIP会员(没有人懂我)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-01-02
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关键词:声乐表演 ;紧张; 放松; 辩证关系


Abstract:Singing through the body's own "physical instrument " music of the language used to express psychological emotional performing arts. The vocal organs in the oral cavity depths, the normal state can not see or touched. The course of action, whether singing or vocal activities in the diaphragm and the control of respiratory and throat, all belong to the local process, and when to play well with each other during the process of convergence with ease, we get the internal coordination, which That we are looking for the "relaxed"state. In the process of vocal learning and performance, due to the internal organs has not yet reached singing coordination, coupled with some psychological factors of instability, there have been inexplicable "tense. " This paper will analyze and discuss several aspects of vocal performance of "tension and relaxation, " the dialectical relationship.

Key words: Vocal Performance; tension; relax; dialectical relationship


