
资料分类:音乐舞蹈 VIP会员(没有人懂我)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-01-02
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关键词:科学的发声方法; 流行演唱; 必要性


Abstract:Pop songs on the request is not harsh tone, tone can come of singing pop songs, and in the singing of individuation also calls for development. But character is not equal to no methods, have individual character throat, if not the scientific method support, time grew are easily damaged, again good sound conditions without control ability, time for a long time are easy to let people listen to bother. Therefore, pop singing is to individuality, also need to method. Use the method of science develop oneself vocal function is exercise their singing skills, exercises oneself singing skills also is to develop our personality, function, and singing skill and personality complement each other.

Keywords: Scientific vocalizations ; Pop singing ; Necessary


