
资料分类:音乐舞蹈 VIP会员(龙骑士)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:15-04-24
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关键词: 呼吸 ,民族民间舞蹈 ,重要性


ABSTRACT:Research the breathing importance of Tibetan, Mongolian, Korean folk dance, let everybody understand the different national dance due to various aspects under the influence of different factors will form different dance style features and ethnic dance using the way of breathing is very different. The right way to apply can suck use is very important in the national folk dance, can not be ignored. Breathing is the symbol of life, make the rich have breath dance of life and is full of infinite vitality; If lack in the dance of the breath, the dance, there is no emotional expression manifests the inner beauty. In the national folk dances of different inner and outer breathing movements must be coordination to show the style of the national dance and the thoughts and feelings.

Key Words:Breathing  National folk dance  Importance
