
资料分类:音乐舞蹈 VIP会员(龙骑士)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:15-04-24
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摘要:课堂教学与舞台实践具有相辅相成的关系,教学是舞台实践的基础 ,舞台实践是对课堂教学的检验。课堂教学要与舞台实践结合起来,相互作用,相互影响,从而使课堂教学与舞台实践相互辉映。舞蹈是是伴有音乐伴奏,人们有节奏的做动作的一种艺术表现形式。舞蹈的课堂教学是教会学生舞蹈的技能技巧与舞蹈的一些风格的认知、掌握与如何能更好的表现这些风格特点。舞蹈的舞台实践是课堂教学的一种延伸,是把课堂教学中所学到的知识更好的进行实践与展示,从而让所学的知识学以致用。

关键词   课堂教学,舞台实践,关系


ABSTRACT:Classroom teaching and stage practice has a complementary relationship, classroom teaching is the basis for the stage practice, stage practice is fully displayed on the classroom teaching. We have very good classroom teaching with the stage practice combine well, let them interaction, mutual influence, so that the classroom teaching and stage practice to achieve the best state. The dance is a kind of performing arts, is accompanied by music, an art form people rhythmic gesture. The relationship between classroom teaching and stage practice dance more closely. Classroom teaching is some style dance skills and teach students to dance of the cognitive, master and how to better the style characteristics. The stage practice dance is an extension of classroom teaching, classroom teaching is to learn knowledge better practice and display, so that knowledge to learn in order to practice.

Keywords: Classroom teaching, Practice stage, Relationship
