
资料分类:音乐舞蹈 VIP会员(龙骑士)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:15-04-24
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关键词  道具,蒙古族文化,蒙古族历史


ABSTRACT:Mongolian dance is based on the cultural connotation of national life and the national spirit of the soul. This is not only due to accumulation from horseback national historical tradition, also with its unique dance vocabulary, strong prairie style of dance music, and also thanks to an irreplaceable dance props formed by a horseback national life. These props with unique cultural symbol of strength, is greatly helps Mongolian dance choreography remains the world's finest.

In this paper, the practical application of props from the Mongolian dance, Mongolian dance lists the main features of the main props and usage of their respective religions, culture and dance in use, and a preliminary kind of props division. So as to ways and means of today's Mongolian dance props used to provide a certain reference value.

Keywords: Props   Mongolia culture   History of Mongolia
