
资料分类:音乐舞蹈 VIP会员(龙骑士)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:15-04-24
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关键词  唐代,敦煌壁画,人物造型,艺术特点


ABSTRACT:Dunhuang 。character modeling is the most important in painting, religious paintings is the God of the art, and God (here refers to the Buddha, Bodhisattva and Buddha nature) image is always closely related to ordinary people. In human history, different religions always imagine all kinds of beyond natural person droller gods, however, to imagine how strange gods, when the people to shape the visual image of God, has not completely out of the image of the people, because in the social life, able to communicate, communicate with people, lives together, is still human. So, God is actually the person's strength and wisdom to the ideal results. In the final performance of the visual image, is still the image of man. Through the research on the Dunhuang murals characters, value and effect on character modeling art characteristics in the Chinese dance culture in.

Keywords:   Murals characters,Artistic characteristics
