
资料分类:音乐舞蹈 VIP会员(龙骑士)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:15-04-24
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摘要: 蒙古族舞蹈一直以来都以内容丰富和种类繁多而著称,其表现形式也各有不同,但是大多都过于守旧。但与其他作品不同的是蒙古族舞蹈“天堂草原”,它以一种新的形态出现在观众面前。编导结合现代的手法,融入“现代舞”使“天堂草原”既保留了蒙古族舞蹈原始的特征,同时也增添了一些时代的感觉,这个正是我们所要研究的课题。

关键词  蒙古族,天堂草原,民族风格,创作意识


ABSTRACT: Mongolian dance has been is noted for its rich in content and variety, the form is different also, but most are too conservative. But unlike other works is the Mongolian dance "paradise prairie", it appeared in front of an audience in a new form. Director with modern technique, blend in "modern dance" makes "paradise prairie" both retain the original characteristics of the Mongolian dance, also added some of the feeling of The Times, this is just what we want to research topic. 

Keywords: Mongolian,Paradise prairie,National style,Creation consciousness 
