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关键词:贝多芬 奏鸣曲 Op.109 晚期  艺术特性


Abstract:Ludwig van Beethoven was a great composer, His life he created many classic works of. This paper is to analyze the Beethoven Sonata Op.109 which belongs to Beethoven's late sonatas. It carries Beethoven nice ideal, rational thinking and the creation of new feeling for his music.This piece of art is in a very important position during Beethoven's late Sonatas for its rich feature.

    This paper is divided into four chapters, according to the related data, through Beethoven's early, middle and late styles, Beethoven Sonata Op.109's background and the artistic spirit of creative pursuit, the whole piece, each movement analysis and characteristics of this piece and other aspects, a more comprehensive analysis of the Beethoven Sonata Op.109 art features. 

Keyword: Beethoven,  Sonata,  Op.109,  late,  art features



