
资料分类:艺术设计 VIP会员(fuyifan)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-05-24
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关键字:酒店 大堂 设计 空间


Abstract:Hotel lobby design is a complex, systematic and comprehensive works, there are many issues to consider, and cover a broad knowledge base, only mastered the enrichment of knowledge, to design good works, design is the general law of each and every hotel lobby space designers should master, master to be able to mastery in practice. When Hall space design in bound to conduct a preliminary investigation of positioning, determine the design style of the hotel, to rational planning space features meet enterprise's CI position. Streamline the design relates to the rationality of the entire property, localized space design in the lobby gives guests a variety of Visual and psychological feeling, soul of the color space, use and master the necessary design principles and design, is the basis for overall project success.

Keywords: Hotel lobby design space
