
资料分类:电气工程 VIP会员(勤劳小蜜蜂)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:13-12-30
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ABSTRACT:The water service is a significant industry in national welfare and the people's livelihood. With the quickening pace of people's living standard and the objective of achieving building a well-off society and enhancing productivity level, the water supply is increasingly demanded for the high quality. The computer automation control system of the waterworks is an effective measure for guaranteeing the high quality of the water supply in security and continuity. This article, which combines with the development tendency of the processing equipment intelligent and the reality of small and medium-sized water treatment plant in our country, has designed a water supply automatic control system by analyzing the reality of the waterworks automation control system both at home and abroad. This water supply automatic control system can in real time monitor the water quality, the water draw rate, the pH value, etc. Besides, the system can automatically add vitriol and throw chlorine; also, the system can auto save historical data. In addition, the system, in which there is an operation significance for reducing the gap with advanced standards, not only cuts down the energy consumption, saves cost, reduces the service maintenance working strength, enhances the management level, guarantees the water supply quality, but also improves the advancement of the water supply technology. The running conditions of the system reveal that its system function is complete; its performance is stable and reliable; there are strong practicability and promotion value.

Key word:Automatic; Kingview;control system;Waterworks



   本设计的控制过程主要完成加矾、加氯量的调节,通过组态软件来实现。具体如下:传感器对压力、流量、浊度、余氯、PH值数据的采集,具体包括压力值、进水口流量、出水口流量、水源浊度、沉淀池浊度 、过滤池浊度、清水池浊度、出水口浊度、沉淀池余氯、过滤池余氯、清水池余氯、出水口余氯、PH值传送给控制器,控制器根据数字显示,通过PID控制加氯和投矾电动阀门的开关来实现自来水的消毒与净化。


