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Abstract:The design of integrated architecture is the construction of 12 water supply and drainage design, including water supply system, hot water systems, fire protection system, drainage systems.

   Water supply system using regional water supply, 1 to 3 for low, the net direct from the municipal water supply; 4 to 12 for high, from pumps from underground storage pond pressurized water supply, and based Frequency Control Devices. Hot water system supply hot water using Centralized hot water supply mode. Fire hydrant system is mainly used indoors, 10 min fire early fire from the roof water supply tank fire, water tanks of water from fire pumps life taken from the pond life; 10 min after the fire started fire pumps, pumping water from a fire hydrant available for use. Drainage system with sewage, waste water diversion system, the toilet water directly into the municipal sewage pipeline network.Consumers using the drainage system can spiral drainage pipe, the nearest municipal sewage discharged into the pipe network.

Key words  Living Water Supply     Water Supply of Hydrant System Building Drainage     Sprinkler Systems    high-rise building

