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关键词:  CC1101;无线通信;协议


Abstract:In modern communication, wireless technology has been applied into all aspects of our lives. Wireless nodes can play better role in the application of various industries unable to arrive at, the area that the wired communication can not reach, or the poor environment. Wireless micro node is the main form of the application of wireless sensor networks in recent years. Wireless micro node has the Characteristics of ultra low power consumption, small volume, working in a variety of harsh environment ,whitch make it possible that the application of the wireless micro node will get more and more extensive.

  In this paper, it designs and realizes a wireless communication protocol that has the character of real-time stability with low energy consumption whitch based on CC1101 chip made by TI comply for the wireless application problems on traffic detection field. This paper briefly introduces the problem of forming the protocol packet format, the determination of transmission error detection and data processing, such as synchronization of transmitter and receiver .It discribes detaily the analysis of the principle of energy-saving and the anti-collision in the use of CC1101. It also describes the processing of communication between the data packetand implementation of sending and receiving protocol, and the hardware and software design method using 89C52 microcontroller wireless communication. Finally ,it shows the application of wireless communication protocol through an example.

Keywords: CC1101  Wireless communication  Protocol





