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Abstract:The 1960s in the United States was an age of great turbulence and dramatic change. "Hippies", in particular, was attacking the mainstream culture by every ways. They were discontented with the existing government and disagreed with the values of their parents' generation. They also felt uncertain about the society and tried to change the world through rock music, drugs and sex. "Easy Rider", a typical road movie, which is remarkably down beat and bleak, reflecting the collapse of the idealistic 60s. It tells a story about these hippies and their unique culture and criticizing the social reality. This dissertation will discuss "Easy Rider" with respect to the relevant social background, and states in detail how the hippie culture is interpreted in the movie. At the end of the dissertation, with its focus on the relationship between the culture and the movie, the essay will reveal a new perspective and a brand-new method to comprehend and study the culture elements through the movie.

Key words: Hippie Culture; Easy Rider; movie; culture; counterculture



