
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(li145533)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-06-20
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Abstract:As China is going globalwide, it connects with the outside world more frequently. In order to catch up with the developed countries, China must take efforts to create a good environment to absorb foreign investments and to enhance cooperation. One of the ways is to offer foreigners good knowledge of China, which will avoid unnecessary cultural shock and misunderstanding in consciousness, life style and so on. Nowadays, the research on China English and Chinglish become more and more significant. Ge Chuangui(1983) is the first scholar in China who put forward the concept of China English in the early 1980s. Later, many people have done research on China English and Chinglish from different angles. This paper begins with the definition of China English and Chinglish. Then the paper elaborates the features of China English and Chinglish and the common expressions. Then, it analyses the origin of the China English and Chinglish and the differences between the China English and Chinglish. Finally, the paper expounds the functions of China English and put forwards some advices to avoid or reduce Chinglish.

Key words: China English; Chinglish; culture; communication



