
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(li145533)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-06-20
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Abstract:Considering the fact that the understanding of listening materials is the interactional result of the listener’s language and schema knowledge, schema theory now is used widely in the research area of acquiring a second language. The paper aims to explore the applications of schema theory during the teaching of English listening from the perspectives of the schema theory, its effects on the teaching of English listening, the strategies guided by schema theory in listening teaching. By implementing a comparative study and analysizing its results, the author has finally come to a conclusion: The teaching model of English listening based on schema theory is more effective to improve students’ listening skills than the traditional teaching model; the background knowledge produces a great impact on the promotion of listening comprehension. Based on such findings pedagogical implications have been made in the hope of helping teachers and students to use schema theory to ameliorate the traditional teaching model and finally to apply the techniques and skills guided by schema theory to practical teaching and learning.

Key Words: schema theory; teaching of English listening; effects; experimental research; teaching model



