
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(乖乖90后)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-06-29
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Abstract: Task-based Approach (TBA), based on lots of researches done by foreign scholars, is one of the effective language teaching methods in the 1980s. TBA aims at learning while doing things. Applying this method to teaching listening in middle schools can improve students’ language ability by fulfilling tasks. The existing researches have discussed the basic information about TBA, however, they haven’t come down to the topic that how to use it preferably while having listening classes so that students can improve their language ability. This study aims at pointing out the ways for students to strengthen language ability from this aspect. It emphasizes the principles of designing listening tasks in order to gain the optimal effect of TBA. 

Key words: task-based approach; English listening teaching; middle school



