
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(飞舞的丝带)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-07-07
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Abstract:Sentences play an important role in writing. The syntactic features of the sentences can affect the quality of the writing, it can also reflect students’ writing ability. This research chooses the English majors’ timed writings of Xuzhou Institute of Technology as material and studies the syntactic features in terms of syntactic variety, syntactic complexity and cohesion. The research makes a contrastive and quantitative approach on syntactic features in writings from sophomore and junior of English majors. 

   T-unit and Wordsmith tool were used in this thesis as a analysis tool, and a quantitative method was used. The results of this study are as follows: in terms of syntactic variety, loose and periodic sentences were largely used and declarative sentences covered most portion of the writing. As to complexity, the writings were too short in length and full of mistakes. Besides, only adverbial, objective and attributive clauses were often used. As for conjunctions, causals and adversatives were mostly used.

   This study reveals the general syntactic features of the English majors’ writings in Xuzhou Institute of Technology, and it has a positive effect on the writing teaching of our school.

Key words:  timed writing  syntactic feature  syntactic complexity  syntactic variety





