
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(飞舞的丝带)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-07-07
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Abstract:This thesis studies pragmatic presupposition in English entertainment news headlines. The study reveals that triggers of pragmatic presupposition in English entertainment news headlines mainly depend on three aspects, that is, short words, abbreviations and sentence patterns. The presupposition in entertainment news headlines has five major functions, such as being succinct, being attractive, being euphemistic, being ascensive and being humorous. This study not only helps readers deepen their understanding of pragmatic presupposition, but also helps to promote their abilities to appreciate English entertainment news headlines.

Key words:  entertainment news headlines  pragmatic presupposition  triggers  functions



关键词: 娱乐新闻标题;语用预设;诱发语;功能
