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Abstract:Maxine Hong Kingston is a Chinese American female writer. So she is excluded by American mainstream culture and rejected by Chinese American male writers. Then she uses “ghosts” in The Woman Warrior to express her feelings as a marginal person. And the decoding of “ghost” is the key point to comprehend this book. Especially the story “Shaman” is full of ghosts, Chinese ghosts, American ghosts, Mexican ghosts, black ghosts etc. By the analysis of such “ghosts”, this paper reveals that these ghosts embody discriminations both in gender and race. 

   The thesis is to introduce the “ghosts” in general, and in both Chinese and American society firstly, then through “ghosts”, to analyze oppressions,traditional moral oppression and male oppression behind them. And “ghosts” can also be understood as racial discrimination and prejudice Chinese American face in America. By fighting ghosts, women reestablish their identities, and marginal people lead a harmonious life in America. Meanwhile, the thesis,in analyzing “ghosts” in the story, examined a person’s detachment from and conflict with his or her environment, and the effect of “ghosts” in promoting the story’s theme.

Key words: Maxine Hong Kingston  The Woman Warrior  ghost  sexism  racism



   本篇论文首先分别介绍一般概念中的鬼,中国鬼,美国鬼,然后通过分析“鬼”,来揭示隐含在中国传统等级社会中传统伦理道德压迫以及男尊女卑的观念对女性的压迫。同时“鬼”可以被解读为亚裔美国人遭受的种族歧视和偏见。本书通过呈现女性与“鬼”战斗,展现女性重建自己的身份,融入美国主流社会。同时,此篇论文通过分析故事中的“鬼”来表现个体与环境的分离与冲突, 并分析 “鬼”在渲染烘托故事主题上的作用。

关键词: 汤婷婷;《女勇士》;鬼;性别歧视;种族歧视
