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Abstract:The color red which is the significant representation in the vast Chinese color culture is undoubtedly the essence of the ancestors’ achievement and cultural factor. As the symbolic color representing the country image, the color red has affected the Chinese color tendency and usage deeply. Through the review of the Chinese color’s historical origin and the analysis of the connotations in Red Sorghum, this thesis reveals why the color red lies in a special historical status in China and the application performance of “China red” is discussed to seek the general utilization rule in Chinese life and folk culture. In the end, the way how the “China red” displays the modern national spirit and shows its glamour as “national color” is discussed.

Key words: Red; connotations in Red Sorghum; folk culture


摘 要:中国人善于用色为世人有目共睹,在浩瀚的中国色彩文化中具有典型代表意义的红色,无疑是我们祖先在色彩成就和文化因子共同作用下撷取的精华所在,作为被赋予展示国家形象的标志性色彩,至今仍深深影响着中国人的色彩倾向和使用习惯。本文通过对“中国红”历史渊源和崇拜的回顾及电影《红高粱》中各种红色意象的研究,揭示“中国红”在中国特殊地位的成因,并对“中国红”的色彩效应进行梳理分析,探讨“中国红”在中国人生活、民俗文化等方面的表现运用,分析“中国红”如何体现民族精神,真正发挥“国色”的作用。

