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Abstract:Sex and the City is a very prevailing TV series which not only portrays vivid characters and attracting plots but also with its peculiar view-sex, reveal the life everywhere filled with the thought of feminism. Feminism refers to a social theory and a kind of political motivation on the basic of female experience. Although feminism has many different branches, because of this diversity stimulates feminism to develop successfully. This paper analyzes in Manhattan four heroines’ characteristics and attitudes towards love, sex and life to reveal all these are the reflections of feminism.

   This paper is mainly divided into four sections. The first part is to introduce the theme of this paper. The second part is to introduce the definition of feminism, origins, spread and its development. The third part is to analyze the feminism features which revealed by four heroines in details. The last part will make a conclusion that four heroines’ lives are reflections of feminism.


Key words: Feminism; equality; Sex and the City
