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Abstract:America has its unique cultural values while compared with other nations. The Hollywood movie is the vector of the culture and values of this nation. Its operation mode manifests cultural characteristics of America. The reason why Hollywood movie is quite popular among the masses, besides its wonderful story plots and big productions, is that the characters in the movie manifest the American cultural values. The individualism, heroism, religious circumstances and the pursuit of liberty of the American spirits are vividly manifested in these movies. Movie is the social culture flowing in the film, and different information of film culture reflects and reinforces its own values conversely, therefore we can perceive the values of mainstream American culture through the Hollywood movie.

   The Hollywood movie The Pursuit of Happiness is a typical inspirational movie that adapted from the memoir The Pursuit of Happiness written by Chris Gardner, the famous stockbroker of America. As one of those single fathers, Chris Gardner fought to raise his young son while being homeless and living on the street of San Francisco. Gardner, who served a brief stint in the Navy and had no education beyond high school, would eventually get back on his feet to become a millionaire stockbroker and business owner. The movie has touched lots of audience at home and abroad and it had a great reputation among the audience. The movie won the 2006 Best Actor Oscar nomination.

   From the beginning to the end, the paper intends to analyze the representation of American cultural values in the movie The Pursuit of Happiness to investigate the contemporary American cultural values, through which to interpret the specific characters of this nation as well as its cultural characteristics. Accordingly it would help us have a further understanding of the social lives of American and its culture, eliminate the cultural barriers, and decrease the communication difficulties caused by the cultural differences.

Key words:The Pursuit of Happiness;values;representation





