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Abstract:With the advancement of internationalization in the economy and trade and the rapid development in information technology, great changes of communicative approach in international business have taken place dramatically, which makes available to business interaction successfully. Effective written communication is viewed as one of the most important and valued skills in business and the most common use of this skill is a business letter. More importantly, it is of great value to study principles and master some skills of business writing. This thesis attempts to search some effective ways to help people learn how to write business letters, on the basis of their principles and skills. For one thing, the author presents important principles which embody courtesy, clearness, conciseness, correctness, completeness and coherence. For another, the skills of business writing, such as arrangement of content, use of word and syntactical structure will be analyzed. The decency and rationality of business writings are clearly presented by means of detailed analysis and comments.  

Key Words: business writing; principles; skills; decency; rationality



