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Abstract:English animal idiom takes up a large proportion and is one of the most important features in English idiom. The origins of English animal idiom relate closely to religion, animal image, social background, etc, which are the main reasons why the meaning of these idioms will be misunderstood when they are translated into Chinese. However, while western countries are trying to create new idioms based on animals, Chinese people also have been catching this idea to make up idioms and proverbs according to animal image. As animal images in forming animal idioms differ from western countries to eastern countries, the meaning of each animal idiom may be misinterpreted if we don’t pay more attention to animal images. Nevertheless, there still exists cultural equivalence which can be a rule when translate. Thus, we should focus on the comparison and correlation of each other when doing the English animal idiom study and translation.

Key words:English animal idioms, translation, cultures and customs, origins



