
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(圈圈)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-07-14
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Abstract:Since the 1970s, due to the development of humanistic psychology and the exploration of the second language acquisition, the way the learner learns has become the focus of English learning and teaching. More and more teachers and researchers attach great importance to students’ affective varibles. As one of the key affective factors, foreign language learning anxiety has exerted great influence on language learning efficiency. Undoubtedly, it plays an indispensable role in students’ English learning. Most studies show that too high or too low anxiety will have a negative effect on students’ language acquisition, only the moderate anxiety can facilitate langugage acquisition.

   In China, most of English learning is conducted in the classroom. Students’ anxiety are related to all kinds of factors in the classroom to some extent. English teacher, as the principal factor in classroom teaching, their improper ways of providing feedback would definitely influence students’ anxiety and thus impact their normal language acquisition. However, the researches on the situation of students’ anxiety from teachers’ perspective are relatively less. Therefore, the present study tries to fill in the gap. The conceptual framework of this paper is formed under the influence of humanistic education and second language acquistion. Based on these theories, a case study is designed which aims at examining the impact of teachers’ oral feedback on students’ anxiety .

Key words: English class; teachers’ oral feedback; students’ anxiety




关键词:英语课堂; 教师反馈; 学生焦虑
